Monday, 4 February 2008

Harry Watts - 'Studio'

This is my most recent work, I felt it would fit posting the two founders of the magazine 1st, and I would still love you guys to send your work in, as it will go either on this blog or maybe in the magazine. So send the images along with a small description of the work to,

Following an intense period of time spent as a studio assistant, in London. I observed the repetitive re-use of the objects and equipment integral to the photographic studio. The monochrome space and items presented would be reconstructed on a daily basis to create colorful sets of magical lighting; alterer worlds resulting in sleek images of fantasy and desires, which are so readily and hungrily consumed.

This stark body of work literally strips away the glamorous and illusional. The studio space is potentially, yet invisibly occupied by objects which exist only as a aid to the visual creation, rather than meant to be seen as themselves. Created and coated in grey light absorbing materials these objects stand mono-chromic in a empty person-less studio.

By revealing these devices, out from the darkness, come the stains and marks of the make shift, covered with human alterations and adaptations. The studio space becomes a place for theatricality of recorded life.

Images: (Top to Bottom)
Untitled 8
Untitled 4
Untitled 2

This work has also been published on the current, Issue 9, of SeeSaw magazine, here the series is complete.

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